Video & Newspaper Interviews

March 29, 2019, Coralie Delamue, "La zone euro est peut-être au seuil d'une recession [The eurozone is on the threshold of a recession]."      English Translation

February 27, 2019, The Italian fault line and the ECB’s limits to deal with the impending recession

February, 15, 2019, David Evans, Future of the euro zone: an interview with Ashoka Mody

February, 14, 2019, Christian Schutte, “Akut abhängig von China“

February 2, 2019, Nicolas Goetzmann, La tragédie de l’euro

January 2, 2019, Tim Black The Euro: a mindless idea

November 5, 2018, Ara Mustafa Italy's crisis can be everyone's crisis

November 3, 2018, Carl Johan von Seth How Italy became a financial powder keg

October 27, 2018, World Policy Conference 2018

October 9, 2018, LUISS Guido Carli

October 8, 2018, Alessandro Rico La Verità [I'll explain why the Euro is a tragedy--and only Germany can bring it to an end]

October 3, 2018, Alberto Brambilla IL FOGLIO [We are the weak link but without a safety jacket: Mody explains why the Eurozone's ability to combat an Italian crisis is limited]

September 8, 2018, Periklis Dimitrolopoulos TA NEA, [There's no room for manoeuvre]

August 26, 2018, Yannis Palaiologos 'Washington blocked the haircut'      PDF

August 21, 2018,  Frederico Fubini Corriere della Sera Dibattito sull'Euro. Ashoka Mody: una moneta senz'anima [Debate on the euro. Ashoka Mody: a currency without a soul.]         PDF

July 12, 2018, Trend Tendances Le prochain tremblement de terre emportera l’Italie [The next earthquake will sweep Italy away]

July 5, 2018, Neue Zürcher Zeitung Die Lage im Euro-Raum könnte bald eskalieren [The situation in the euro area could soon escalate]

June 30, 2018, De Telegraaf Een enorme Fout [A huge mistake]

June 29, 2018, WirtschaftsWoche Der Euro ist fraglos ein Misserfolg [The euro is unquestionably a failure]